Family Vacation Hazards

Moms have been preparing for the worst as long as they have been giving birth. Protecting their children from potential harm is a natural instinct with newborns that follows some kids well into adulthood. When it comes to planning a family vacation, moms see not only the fun to be had, but also the hazards to be avoided.

Most of the disaster preparation that mothers do before a vacation has to do with first aid. They make sure they have prescriptions, bandages, sunblock and insect repellent. They may also have antibiotic ointment, pain killers, and tweezers for removing splinters. This way they are prepared for minor accidents and illnesses.

They may also take time to teach their kids some basic safety habits. These include not straying from the family, protecting valuables, and obeying park rules. A good number of injuries, even Theme park accidents happen because kids wander too close to machinery or ignore park safety guidelines. Good habits will also reduce the number of scrapes and bruises from running and falling that can happen when kids get too rambunctious in a public place.

All in all, most parents do a good job of making sure that their family stays accident-free or that their vacation isn’t ruined if an accident does happen.

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